Hi folks,
in part 1 of this post i showed how to create a Dropdown list box step by step in an ALV grid.
As i pointed out in my conclusions it seemed a bit complicated to me for such a little result.
Now i realized that it is more complicated than that.
Assume you want a search help with drop down list box for a simple field like the sex of a person
There is a standard domain GESCH (Meaning Geschlecht = Sex in german ) with fixed values 1 and 2 meaning Male Female.
Now in my alv the values 1 and 2 show up.
In order to have the texts shown i have to use table type "lvc_t_dral" instead of "lvc_t_drop"
This table contains a field int_value containing the code ( 1 and 2 in my case) and the field values containing the text "Male and Female".
This yields a column with sex values of 1 and 2 ( really ugly ) with the text values "Male and Female" popping up in the drop down list box with no connection to the codes 1 and 2
In order to have the automatic conversion of the values one more step is needed:
the creation of a conversion_exit
In my case i am lucky because one exists already: it is called GESCH ( functions
The conversion exit must be entered into field "CONVEXIT" of the fieldcatalogue
like this: ps_fcat-convexit = 'GESCH'.
Then it works just fine.
Enjoy! :-)
METHOD: set_fasex_ddlb.
DATA :ls_dropdown TYPE lvc_s_dral.
DATA: ls_f4 TYPE lvc_s_f4.
ps_fcat-drdn_hndl = '1'.
ps_fcat-outputlen = 10.
ps_fcat-f4availabl = 'X'.
ps_fcat-convexit = 'GESCH'.
ls_f4-fieldname = ps_fcat-fieldname.
ls_f4-register = 'X'.
ls_f4-getbefore = 'X'.
ls_f4-chngeafter = 'X'.
APPEND ls_f4 TO pt_f4.
ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
ls_dropdown-value = 'Female'.
ls_dropdown-int_value = '2'.
APPEND ls_dropdown TO pt_dral.
ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
ls_dropdown-value = 'Male'.
ls_dropdown-int_value = '1'.
APPEND ls_dropdown TO pt_dral.
ENDMETHOD. "set_fasex_ddlb