Monday, October 28, 2013

F4 help callback method howto for F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST in SAP ABAP ALV GRID

Hi folks,

my F4 help implementations are going on. Slowly.  In a previous post i have shown how to enable F4 help for a field in your ALV grid.
Here is the implementation of the F4 help in coding using function F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST.
To pass the values to the search help the easiest way in OO programming is to use the parameter "callback_method"

Doing so  is tricky if you use a local class design. this is because the callback method of function F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST is called from a function pool program. Local classes of your program do not exist in the function pool.
This means that if you pass a reference to your local class to the funcion pool when it is dereferenced you get a dump.

This means you have to implement a global class (se24) in order to catch the callback method.

The callback_method parameter is acutally a reference to an interface object of the type  IF_F4CALLBACK_VALUE_REQUEST

The steps to implement it therefore are:
1) Declare the interface in your global class class

2) Implement the interface method in your global class

3) Call the F4
F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST function specifying the callback "method" ( reference object) in your F4 callback method. In my case this is the method called from the event handler object.

  METHOD : on_f4.

    DATA lt_ret TYPE TABLE OF ddshretval.

    CASE e_fieldname.

      WHEN 'FAMSA'.

     data lr_f4_cb type ref to Z_CL_F4_CALLBACK.
     create object lr_f4_cb.
     lr_f4_cb->a_pernr = a_pernr.

            tabname             = 'P0021'
            fieldname           = 'FAMSA'
*            callback_program    = sy-repid
*            callback_form       = 'CALLB_VALUE_REQUEST'
    callback_method           = lr_f4_cb
*   SELECTION_SCREEN          = ' '
*   USER_RESET                =
          return_tab                = lt_ret

          OTHERS                    = 5     .
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
* Implement suitable error handling here

        er_event_data->m_event_handled = 'X'.

  ENDMETHOD.                    ":